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Vimy Hall Contract

Download the Vimy Hall Rental Contract

3968 Gibbins Road
Duncan BC V9L 6E8



RENTER’S NAME                                                                                        

PHONE NUMBER                                                                                        

EMAIL ADDRESS                                                                                         

TYPE OF EVENT                                                                                          

NUMBER OF PEOPLE                                                                                 

RENTAL DATE                                                                                             

RENTAL TIME                                                                                             

MEET TIME/INSPECTION TIME                                                                  


LIQUOR LICENSE – provide copy                            RENTER’S ADDRESS                                                   

HOST LIABILITY INSURANCE – provide copy                                                                                             

 * Presence of liquor without required licence, insurance and fees will result in immediate cancellation without refund and forfeiture of damage deposit

HALL RENTAL FEE                                                                                       

LIQUOR SURCHARGE                                                                                 

DAMAGE DEPOSIT                                                                                             



  1. Hall rental fees and damage deposit are to be paid by cash in advance.
  2. The Renter must purchase and provide copies of any required insurance and permits.
  3. The Renter must arrive and depart from the rented area by the prescribed times; the management reserves the right to apply additional charges in the event that the rental extends beyond such times.
  4. The damage deposit is refundable in full if the Hall is found in satisfactory condition on inspection.
  5. The Renter agrees to forfeit all or a portion of the damage deposit, at the discretion of the management, in the event additional cleaning or repairs are required, or if Hall equipment or materials are missing.
  6. The Renter agrees to pay additional janitorial, repair or replacement costs, at the discretion of the management, if such costs exceed the value of the damage deposit.
  7. Hall decorations must be approved by the management. No tacks or nails are to be used.
  8. No liquor is to be consumed without a liquor license;liquor may only be consumed inside.
  9. No smoking is permitted in the hall; no open flames are permitted in the hall except birthday candles on cake.
  10. No fires or fireworks are permitted on Vimy Hall grounds.
  11. The renter must use the area in a safe manner and must abide by local bylaws. The Hall is licensed for a maximum of 115 people; any additional individuals arein violation of the fire code.
  12. Music is permitted, but volume must not at any time disrupt rural environment. The doors must remain closed while music is playing, and the music must not be audible outside the hall after11PM.
  13. Damage and/or loss of articles will be the responsibility of the Renter.
  14. The management reserves the right to cancel or alter the rental if necessary.
  15. The management reserves the right to terminate, without refund, events not in compliance with the contract.
  16. The Renter consents and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Vimy Community Club and its directors and officers in respect to all claims, demands, actions, suits and costs arising out of any act or omission of the Renter and/or servant, agent or employee of the Renter, or arising out of the use of the said facility by the Renter. The Renter accepts financial liability for any of the above-described claims, demands, actions suits and costs if they choose not to purchase host liability insurance for their event, or if such insurance proves insufficient. Initial :                                        

RENTER’S SIGNATURE                               PRINTED NAME                                    DATE


VCC RENTALSPERSON                               PRINTED NAME                                    DATE



Contact for rentals: vimyhall@gmail.com

In an emergency, call 911, and inform the Rentals person.

Fire extinguishers are located inside the front door and to the left of the kitchen door.

The Hall does not have wheelchair accessible washrooms or a telephone.

The Hall relies on a well for its water. Please be conservative in your water use.

The Hall is on septic.  Please do not put any foreign objects down drains or toilets.


  • Reduce heat to 45o
  • Stack all tables and chairs and return them to their proper places
  • Clean bathrooms (sweep floor, wipe floor and counters, wipe and flush toilets, remove garbage)
  • Clean kitchen (wipe floor, appliances, counters and sink; remove food debris from drain)
  • Leave all dishes, pans, tea pots, utensils etc. clean, dry, and stored as found. Unplug coffee makers
  • Remove all food, and all garbage, recycling and organic waste
  • Sweep Hall floor and stage; wipe down lightly soiled areas
  • In the event of extensive soiling, damp mop the affected surface
  • Turn off all lights except porch light
  • Lock the Hall upon departure

** Thank you for cleaning up, and keeping our Hall affordable! **